Five-Star Rated Support & Software
MaxxTraxx Ranks Best in Reviews for Technical Support
We respond in real-time to your phone calls, online chats or emails!
Knowledge Base
If you’ve run into a problem or have a question about your MaxxTraxx program, there’s a good chance it’s been addressed in our Knowledge Base. Hundreds of solutions and suggestions are right at your fingertips designed to save you a trip to your phone or email. Searchable by keywords, the Knowledge Base is a powerful tool to help you keep moving forward in using your MaxxTraxx.
Click the green SUBMIT TICKET button above and fill in the form to contact our Support Schedule requesting a call back on your question or problem, responses are processed in the order they arrive.
NOTICE - Remote Control Request should only be used if you have been instructed to do so by a support technician. Your support tech will need to give you a Session Code.
How Tech Support Works
We’re here for you. You have a question about how a feature works and can’t find a video or webinar that discusses it? You had a system crash and now you have an RO that won’t open? You’ve hired a new employee, and need to get him signed up for training?
You can Submit a Ticket, Chat Us, Email us, or Call us, and we’ll take care of you.
Business Hours:
- 5:00am - 5:00pm, Pacific Time
- Monday through Friday
- (Offices Closed): New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Contact Support By:
- Chat: Click on "Chat Request” now
- Email: Email Support Here
- Phone: 800-996-9777
Remote Connection:
- Request a Standard Remote Connection
- Request an Alternate Remote Connection (Win 98)

When we first brought MotorTraxx to the industry in 1986, we never imagined shops would still be using it nearly 30 years later. It wasn’t supposed to outlive the operating system it was developed in, MS-DOS. Yet we continue to provide support for more than 200 shops that have yet to move up to current technology.
2018 Taxes - MotorTraxx
Here are the 2018 payroll tax withholding tables. Make these changes after your last...
Read More >>End of Year - MotorTraxx
A Thirteen Step guide to helping you close out your MotorTraxx program correctly.
Read More >>Motor to Maxx Conversion FAQ
Search through common questions of MotorTraxx users interested in upgrading.